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Remote help:
For Microsoft "Hurtig hjælp" or aka the Microsoft "Quick Assist" you can click the Remote link, or it can also be launched with the key shortcut "key combo": ctrl + windows icon button + Q
For the "Zoho remote" support, type the ID you get provided here: Zoho remote support
Create Ticket:
Need to create a support ticket? feel free to create one right here
Help articles:
Macintosh generated keynote file (.key) how to view on Windows PC:
If you recieve keynote file from a Mac then you can ask the person generating the file to save it as PPX instead for powerpoint. if thats not an option-
You can try and resort to a work-around to Convert the Keynote presentation to ZIP format.
It is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. When you convert the KEY files to ZIP format, you will be able to view the contents of
the Keynote presentation. To do this, use the following steps:
Open File Explorer from the Windows taskbar.
Navigate to the folder that contains the Keynote presentation.
Go to the View tab, check the box for File name extensions. Now, you will be able to see .KEY at the end of the Keynote filename.
Replace .KEY with .ZIP without changing the rest of the filename.
Click Yes in the dialog box that appears.
The Keynote presentation is now a compressed file.
Open the Keynote ZIP file.
It now contains images of the Keynote presentation slides.
This can now be opened using the Windows image viewer software
Note: One could also opt out to logon to icloud website if a icloud login account is at hand, and use the online tools at icloud to open keynote file from icloud.com services
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